In the past couple of years we've really enjoyed a couple of trips to Croatia and Slovenia, which have whetted our appetite, and we've heard great things about other East-European countries, such as Albania and Roumania. So we've targetted this for our first prolonged tour in retirement.
As our Mobile home has all-weather tyres, we could wait for a snow-free spell, and head down to Albania or northern Greece in late January, meandering north through Albania, North-Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Poland... or at least some of them.
This page looks at some of the highlights of these countries, in order to deduce a potential route.
This Google Map gives an overview of the countries we could visit.
I'll prepare a page for each country, linked-to from here, with some highlights: sights, tours, campsites,...
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