Squash Training Template

Every squash training session should consist of 

  1. preparation (warm-up, stretching), 
  2. training
  3. warm-down (stretching, shower)

To do: replace pictures!!



Jogging in Court

10-15 Gentle circuits to warm-up the muscles 



  • move your head slowly side-to-side, gently pulling your head to stretch the muscles, hold for 5 sedonds before releasing, repeat 5x each side.  then 
  • rotate the head to the right, then to the left, holding at maximum rotation for 5 seconds. Repeat 5x in each direction. 


  • shrug & hold for 5 seconds, release, forcing shoulders down, holding for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times
  • point upwards with left arm, bend over head, pull down gently on left elbow with right hand to increase the stretch.  Höld for 5 seconds. Do the same exercise with the other arm.


  • Stand with feet 2 feet apart, raise left arm, lean over to the right, support the back by placing the right hand on your hip. Bring the left hand as far towards the ground as comfortable. Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat with right arm
  • Repeat 5 times
  • Rotate hips, 10 revolutions
  • "Superman" exercise, 1 minute each side
  • Lie on back, with legs crossed and hands linked behind your head. Bring left elbow to right knee, then right elbow to left knee. Repeat 30 times (ie knee touches elbow 60 times.


  • Hold left foot with left hand, behind your back. Push gently down to stretch the front thigh. Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat with right foot.
  • Take big step forward, bending left knee 90°, stretching right leg behind. Move torso down to stretch back left thigh and front of right thigh. Hold 10 seconds,
  • Repeat on other side.
  • Stretch calf muscles by keeping your left foot flat on the floor whilst leaning against a wall, and moving your hips towards the wall. Hold at max stretch for 10 seconds.

Using a Black Roll is a good alternative to leg stretches.



These exercises practice basic shots, correct movement to & from the ball and sharpen reactions.

Always try to play the shots as you would in a game (except when feeding your training partner in the all-shots-in-one-corner: here you must play the ball softer/higher, so the ball is reachable!)

Long lines

One minute each side. Long lines are important, but generally trained too much, and unrealistically / inefficiently. Focus should be on perfect line and length, and correct movement to & from the T. Make sure you raise the racquet in time, and rotate your whole upper body into the shot. 

2 minutes


One player plays long-lines, the other player tries to volley every ball (also long-line). One minute

Swap front-back, swap sides.

4 minutes

total: 6 mintes

2 x Long-Line, 1 x Cross

2 minutes


total: 8 minutes

Boast / Stop

Both players can only play boasts or stops.

2 minutes

Note: the ball gest cold, so this is followed by volleys to warm up the ball.

Total: 10 minutes

Volley Cross

Both players hit the ball volley cross, aiming at the service line on the front wall.

1 minute each side

2 minutes


total: 12 minutes

Cross, Volley Stop

Each player plays 2 shots, first volley stop  then cross.

1 minute each side

2 minutes


Total: 14 minutes

All in one corner

One player must play every ball in the same corner. The other player can play the ball in any corner. 

Alternate, and repeat in all four corners

1 minute x 2 x 4

8 minutes

total: 22 minutes


One player stands at the fronts and points to the corner where the other player must simulate a shot. As the player returns to the T, the next corner is indicated.

One minute.


Repeat 4 times.


1 minute x 2 x 4

8 minutes

total: 30 minutes



repeat some or all of the preparation execrcises



Finish off with a cold shower, at least of the legs/backside. This accelerates the regeneration.


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